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Lanier Valley Dentistry - Dr Colin Lentz
Lanier Valley Dentistry - Dr Colin Lentz
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Sedation Dentistry
Dacula, GA

Brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing every day are essential elements for good oral health. However, to optimize your oral health, you need to also have regular dental cleanings and exams. Even the most fastidious brushers and flossers can miss areas of the mouth, which can then build up plaque and bacteria, and raise your risk of developing tooth decay and gum disease.

Dental cleanings and exams help to minimize these risks and keep your teeth and gums healthy. At Lanier Valley Dentistry, we understand that a visit to the dentist can sometimes be a cause for fear, one which keeps you out of the office. With sedation, we can help you to feel relaxed and comfortable, so you can get the treatment you need and keep your teeth, and gums, as healthy as possible.

What is Sedation?

Sedation involves the use of specific techniques that allow you to feel completely relaxed and comfortable in the dentist’s chair, no matter what your reason for apprehension. There are a few different levels of sedation:
•  Minimal. Minimal sedation is the lightest form of sedation. You are kept completely conscious, but you are placed in a very relaxed state.
•  Moderate sedation. Moderate sedation is the next level up. With this sedation, you are still conscious, but you may be in and out. You may not even remember parts, or any, of your procedure.
•  Deep sedation. With this type of sedation, you are kept right on the brink of consciousness. You may even fall asleep.
•  General anesthesia. This is the strongest form of sedation, often reserved for very involved procedures that may take several hours. With general anesthesia, you are rendered completely unconscious.

Types of Sedation

There are several different types of sedation:
•  Nitrous oxide. Commonly known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is inhaled through the nose, along with oxygen. This is a form of minimal sedation, and the effects wear off shortly after the gas is turned off.
•  Oral sedation. Sedatives are taken by mouth approximately one hour before your procedure. On average, they take about 30 minutes to go to work.
•  IV sedation. With IV sedation, medication is delivered directly into your bloodstream. Because of this, it goes to work almost instantaneously. IV sedatives are used for deep sedation as well as general anesthesia.

Who Can Benefit from Sedation?

With sedation, you can stay totally relaxed throughout your entire procedure, no matter if it’s a simple cleaning or a more involved procedure. You may benefit from sedation if:
•  You are anxious or nervous about your procedure.
•  Your teeth are exceptionally sensitive.
•  You have a low pain threshold.
•  You have a bad gag reflex.
•  You have trouble sitting still for longer lengths of time.
•  You require a significant amount of dental work.

Certain types of sedation are also a good option for younger children, who might be afraid of the dentist or who find it difficult to stay seated for any length of time.

We want you to be completely comfortable in the dental chair during your visit with us, whether it’s a simple cleaning and exam or something more involved. Sedation can help you relax, allowing you to get the work you need to be done to keep your mouth healthy. Call Lanier Valley Dentistry today to learn more.


3635 Braselton Hwy, Suite C
Dacula, GA 30019-5932



Mon 8-2 by appt only
Tues - Thurs 9-5
Fri 8-2

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Dentist Dacula • Sedation Dentistry • Lanier Valley Dentistry
At Lanier Valley Dentistry, we provide a comfortable and enjoyable experience by offering sedation options during certain procedures. Give us a call today!
Lanier Valley Dentistry - Dr Colin Lentz, 3635 Braselton Hwy, Suite C, Dacula, GA 30019 / (678) 802-8654 / / 5/3/2024 / Key Phrases: dentist Dacula GA /