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Lanier Valley Dentistry - Dr Colin Lentz
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Dental Implant FAQ in Dacula, GA

If you are considering dental implants, you may have a lot of questions. There are several things patients must consider before having any surgery performed. Our goal at Lanier Valley Dentistry is to help answer all questions you may have regarding this procedure.

What Are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is a prosthesis that not only replaces a missing or extracted tooth but helps return the functionality of chewing and biting. When the procedure is performed, our experienced staff will place a small titanium post into your mouth. This fixture will eventually fuse with the bone underneath, making it work and function like a natural tooth. Once it fuses to the bone underneath it, a structure that we call an abutment, is connected to the implant to stabilize it. Afterward, a crown, partial denture, full denture, or fixed bridge is then placed on top of this fixture.

Who Is a Candidate for Dental Implants?

Thanks to the advancements in the dentistry field, most people are candidates for dental implants. Implants can be used to fix a single missing tooth, several teeth, or an entire row of teeth. Our staff will help guide you through the process to explain which will fit your exact case.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

There are many benefits to getting a dental implant placed inside your mouth. Dental implants can last a lifetime with proper oral hygiene care. They function like a normal tooth and help return full functionality to your chewing and bite. They also prevent bone loss, which is common in people with a missing or extracted tooth. Since your body recognizes that the bone is no longer in use under the tooth, it begins a process known as reabsorption. This melts away the bone and, according to the American Dental Association, can deplete as much as 25 percent of the bone in the first year after you lose a tooth. A dental implant fuses with the bone and stops the body's natural process of reabsorption.

What Are the Disadvantages of Dental Implants?

Like all procedures, dental implants run the risk of infection, pain, or inflammation in your gums. However, our team is trained to help reduce any of these risks from occurring. Another disadvantage associated with dental implants is the need for a bone graft. If you have had a tooth missing for too long, there might not be enough bone density to help keep the tooth in place. This requires a bone graft surgery first, which can take anywhere from four to twelve months to fully recover from. You must be fully recovered from bone graft surgery before a dental implant can be placed.

What Is the Success Rate of Dental Implants?

Dental implants have an extremely high success rate, ranging from 90 to 95 percent, according to the American Dental Association. This is partly because dental implants are considered biocompatible. This means that your body will not reject the tooth and allows it to naturally fuse with the bone underneath.

If you are considering dental implants, our staff at Lanier Valley Dentistry is well-trained to help achieve a successful result. We can answer any questions you have and help you start on the road to recovery. Give us a call at (678) 802-8654 to schedule an appointment for an exam today.


3635 Braselton Hwy, Suite C
Dacula, GA 30019-5932



Mon 8-2 by appt only
Tues - Thurs 9-5
Fri 8-2

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Dentist Dacula • Dental Implant FAQ Lanier Valley Dentistry
Do you have questions about dental implants? At Lanier Valley Dentistry, we are more than happy to provide answers or address your concerns at: (678) 802-8654.
Lanier Valley Dentistry - Dr Colin Lentz, 3635 Braselton Hwy, Suite C, Dacula, GA 30019, (678) 802-8654,, 5/3/2024, Related Terms: dentist Dacula GA,