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Lanier Valley Dentistry - Dr Colin Lentz
Lanier Valley Dentistry - Dr Colin Lentz
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Benefits of Dental Implants in Dacula, GA

Patients that are missing one or more teeth have many options when it comes to restoration treatment. At Lanier Valley Dentistry, we believe dental implants are the ideal solution.

Dental implants have become the industry standard for tooth replacement because of their improved aesthetics, unmatched durability, and overall convenience. If you are missing one or more teeth, you may be a candidate for dental implants. The following information will help you decide if implants are right for you!

Dental Implant Procedure

A dental implant consists of three major parts:

•  The implant screw - A small titanium post that serves as the root component of a prosthesis.
•  The abutment - A titanium or porcelain support structure that links the implant screw to the restoration.
•  The restoration - A prosthetic crown, bridge, or denture that fills that gap of a missing tooth.

During a minor surgery, Colin Lentz, DDS will make a small incision in the gum tissue and expose the jawbone. We then drill a small hole into the jawbone at the implant site. Because the implant screw serves as the root component of the tooth, it needs to be deeply embedded in the bone.

During the next several months, the implant and your bone will fuse together through a process called osseointegration. Osseointegration is largely responsible for the many benefits of dental implants. Because of osseointegration, your implant will be able to withstand even the strongest bite forces.

Once your implant and bone have properly fused, we can schedule a second surgery to place the abutment. Colin Lentz, DDS will make a second incision in your gums to expose the implant and attach a healing collar. Once your gums have properly healed, we will place the abutment. Then, an impression will be made and shipped to our dental laboratory, where they will fabricate your final restoration.

It can take several weeks to fabricate your final restoration. During this time, you may be given a temporary prosthesis to protect your abutment. Once your restoration is complete, we will check the margins to ensure a proper fit, and permanently cement it into place.

New technologies and techniques have led to a faster implant process. In some cases, the implant and abutment can be placed during the same appointment.

Benefits of Dental Implants

•  Improved appearance - Restorations are made using porcelain or zirconia composites. These materials best mimic the appearance of tooth enamel.

•  Improved comfort - Implants become a part of your anatomy. Other restorations sit on the gum tissue and can cause irritation or discomfort. Your implant-supported restoration will feel and function just like your natural teeth!

•  Improved speech and chewing abilities - Your implant will never slip or falter. You will be able to speak and eat with confidence and comfort! Other restorations may cause you to mumble or slur your words.

•  Improved self-esteem - Having a missing tooth, or an unrealistic prosthetic can turn smiling, laughing, and eating into an embarrassing experience. Patients with dental implants may experience a boost in self-esteem, knowing their smile looks pristine!

•  Improved oral health - When you lose a tooth, you lose the physical stimulation your jaw needs to avoid bone deterioration. Osseointegration prevents future bone deterioration by providing physical stimulation. Unlike traditional bridges, your surrounding teeth will also remain unaffected by your restoration.

•  Improved durability - Implant-supported restorations have a 98% success rate and can last for many decades. With the right care, your implant could last a lifetime!

Schedule a Consultation Today!

If you are interested in learning more about dental implants, call (678) 802-8654, and schedule your consultation today!


3635 Braselton Hwy, Suite C
Dacula, GA 30019-5932



Mon 8-2 by appt only
Tues - Thurs 9-5
Fri 8-2

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Benefits of Dental Implants Dacula, GA • Lanier Valley Dentistry
Are you ready for your new smile? Schedule your consultation and find out if Dental Implants are right for you. Give Lanier Valley Dentistry a call today!
Lanier Valley Dentistry - Dr Colin Lentz, 3635 Braselton Hwy, Suite C, Dacula, GA 30019 \ (678) 802-8654 \ \ 5/3/2024 \ Related Terms: dentist Dacula GA \