We’re all familiar with how smoking damages your lungs, but smoking also has detrimental effects on oral health. The effects of smoking on oral health are well documented, even though many people don’t associate smoking with negative effects on oral health.
While people who smoke are on a decline, the effects of smoking are still very relevant in today’s society. In order to keep the best oral health, it’s important to stop smoking as soon as possible.
Many people associate gum recession with declining oral health due to bad brushing and flossing techniques, however, smoking can also make the gums recede. The tar in cigarettes binds with the saliva in the mouth, creating a substance that is more viscous than normal. This liquid has the ability to trap much more bacteria in a smoker’s mouth. These increased levels of bacteria in the mouth attack the gums throughout the day and eventually will eat away at them causing the gums to recede.
Another bad side effect of smoking is a dry mouth. A dry mouth may not seem that bad, however, having a constant dry mouth has many negative oral effects. Saliva plays an important role in stopping bacterial growth in the mouth. Because smoking dries the mouth out, bacteria are able to grow more freely and do more damage to the teeth and gums.
We all love to show off our beautiful smile in photos, but did you know smoking causes yellow teeth? This is because the tar from tobacco smoke stains the teeth. As the tar settles on the teeth, they become more and more yellow. Smoking has the same effects as if a person were to keep their teeth dipped in coffee all day long! If you’re interested in more ways smoking negatively impacts dental health, give us a call or visit dentist near you.
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