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Lanier Valley Dentistry - Dr Colin Lentz
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Dental Filling Dacula GA

Cavities in your teeth are quite common and occur as a result of bacteria invasion on the enamel.

These cavities leave your teeth with holes that are not aesthetically appealing and can also leave you vulnerable to other dental issues, such as gum disease, tooth sensitivity, or decay.

To treat a cavity, our dentist at Lanier Valley Dentistry will carefully remove the damaged or decayed portion of the tooth, clean it, and fill it with another material.

The material helps protect the inner structure of your teeth from external elements and stops the cavity from enlarging in size.

Dental Fillings in Dacula, GA

Dental fillings can combine glass, metals, or plastics for repairing teeth. Fillings fill areas of your teeth that we have removed due to decay. We can also use them to repair broken or cracked teeth.

Common materials for our fillings include porcelain, gold, resin, or silver amalgam.

If you are considering dental fillings in Dacula, GA, we will examine the extent of the tooth decay, costs, and your insurance coverage and recommend the best one for you.

Who Needs a Filling?

Dental fillings are traditionally used to manage dental caries and cavities.

These cavities tend to occur when harmful bacteria in your mouth produce acidic substances that erode the enamel of the teeth, leading to the formation of holes.

If you ignore these tiny holes in your teeth, it can cause significant damage to the entire teeth structure. In normal circumstances, we recommend dental fillings for individuals who have the following:

Dental Cavities

When your teeth have a hole due to bacteria invasion, it is called a cavity. A filling works to restore the structure of your natural teeth and prevent further decay of the teeth.

Cracked or Chipped Teeth

Accidents or trauma may cause your teeth to crack or chip. Fillings are useful in repairing damage and restoring the appearance and function of the teeth.

Worn Down Teeth

Your teeth can be worn down due to numerous reasons, such as teeth grinding.

This condition will leave teeth that are not aesthetically pleasing and also susceptible to decay and further damage. Fillings will help to restore the functionality and shape of your teeth.

Tooth Fractures

A tooth fracture can occur after a sports injury or any other trauma-related cause. If your tooth has a fracture, it is at risk of developing a cavity. We recommend fillings to prevent the fracture from worsening.

Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity occurs when your teeth have cavities or have exposed dentin. Sensitivity mostly occurs when you ingest cold or hot substances.

Fillings help to cover the exposed dentin and cavities and ensure your oral health is outstanding. It also prevents root canal infection and tooth decay.

Filling Materials

You can select multiple materials depending on your preference and budget. When considering various materials, each has its advantages or disadvantages.

Glass Ionomer

Glass ionomer is a mixture of organic acid and glass. It is primarily useful for small fillings and specific dental restoration methods such as bridges and crowns.

This material also releases fluoride, a useful compound in preventing tooth decay.

These materials last an average of 10-15 years and look great. However, they may not blend in with the color of your natural teeth compared to other materials.

Gold Materials

Gold materials are engineered with gold alloy. People prefer them due to their durability and strong properties. They have a very distinct appearance, but they are quite expensive.


The amalgam fillings are made of copper, mercury, tin, or silver. This material is quite durable and can last for many years.

In terms of costs, they are less expensive than other dental filling materials. You can select a material that closely matches your other teeth.

Composite Resin Fillings

These tooth-colored fillings are made with composite material that has a shade that resembles your other teeth and is useful for repairs and cavity filling. They are made with fine glass particles and plastic.

We recommend them for the repair of small or medium-sized cavities. During the installation process, we bond them directly to your teeth.

Porcelain/Ceramic Fillings

Porcelain is created with ceramic materials. They are made to match the color of your natural teeth, making them quite appealing.

These fillings can last for 15 years and are quite resistant to staining. They are the most preferred materials due to their aesthetics and costs.

Smiling dental patient sitting in exam chair at Lanier Valley Dentistry in Dacula, GA

Dental Filling Process

We start the dental filling process by evaluating the nature of your teeth.

Examination is conducted using a dental probe to help identify any problematic areas. We can also use an X-ray to determine the location and extent of the decay.

Once we are sure you are a candidate for dental filling, we administer an anesthetic to ensure you are comfortable during the entire procedure.

We use a laser or hand tool to eliminate all the damaged parts of the teeth. Acid gel is useful in cleaning this area and removing debris or bacteria. We then apply the filling material in the cavity. Lastly, we polish the tooth to ensure a smooth surface and even appearance.

How to Prevent Decay

After getting a dental filling, you need to be proactive about your oral health to prevent issues such as tooth decay. Steps such as brushing your teeth using fluoride toothpaste in the morning and evening help eliminate any food particles and bacteria in your teeth.

You need to be careful about the type of toothpaste and toothbrush you use to avoid damage to the dental fillings. Always opt for a soft-bristled brush and fluoride toothpaste.

Ensure you also schedule regular checkups and cleanings with us to help check the condition of the filling and eliminate any issues early enough.

Limiting your intake of highly acidic or sugary foods and drinks will also help ensure you are not susceptible to tooth decay. If you must consume such substances, ensure you brush and rinse your teeth.

Hydration is also essential and will help rinse any food particles and debris.

Dental fillings help prevent further damage to your teeth and ensure you have an even and beautiful smile. When you visit our dental clinic at Lanier Valley Dentistry, we will help select the best material for you and ensure you have a confident smile.

Do not hesitate to call us at (678) 802-8654.


3635 Braselton Hwy, Suite C
Dacula, GA 30019-5932



Mon 8-2 by appt only
Tues - Thurs 9-5
Fri 8-2

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Dental Filling Dacula, GA • Lanier Valley Dentistry
Address cavities and maintain your oral health with dental fillings and personalized treatment in Dacula, GA – call today to schedule an appointment!
Lanier Valley Dentistry - Dr Colin Lentz, 3635 Braselton Hwy, Suite C, Dacula, GA 30019 • (678) 802-8654 • • 5/3/2024 • Page Phrases: dentist Dacula GA •