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Lanier Valley Dentistry - Dr Colin Lentz
Lanier Valley Dentistry - Dr Colin Lentz
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Dental Extractions
Dacula, GA

Woman looking at her smile in a mirror from Lanier Valley Dentistry in Dacula, GADental extraction is considered simple outpatient surgery and can be performed for several reasons. You may be advised to get a tooth extraction if your wisdom teeth do not grow properly, suffer from excessive tooth decay, have a deep tooth infection, or your teeth are overcrowding the space in your mouth. Each case is unique and must be carefully examined before a tooth extraction is recommended. Removing visible teeth is relatively simple while removing teeth that are broken below the gumline or suffer from decay and infection may be more involved. If you feel you may need a tooth extraction, our staff at Lanier Valley Dentistry can provide you with the assistance you desire.

What Are the Most Common Reasons I May Need a Tooth Extraction?

We may recommend tooth extraction in several cases. If you suffer from dental cavities, which involve a deep decay that often reaches the roots of your teeth, tooth extraction may be your only option. Periodontitis, referred to as gum disease, may impact the quality of your teeth as well and require a complete extraction of one or more teeth that are too impacted to save by other means. Trauma or injury to your tooth or surrounding bone, wisdom teeth complications, and baby teeth not falling out at a proper age, are all common reasons for a tooth extraction. If you are having your teeth straightened, we may recommend a tooth extraction to help with any overcrowding preventing your teeth from straightening during the process.

Types of Tooth Extraction Procedures

Tooth extraction procedures are considered either simple or surgical procedures. The type of procedure you will undergo will depend on the reason you need the extraction, as well as the position, shape, and size of the tooth being extracted. A simple extraction is usually performed when the tooth is visible above the gumline and has no underlying issues below it. These teeth can be removed in one piece. A surgical procedure is more involved and requires a member of our staff to remove bone, gum tissue, or both, and the tooth may need to be extracted in several pieces.

What Is the Procedure Involved?

Whether you are receiving a simple or surgical extraction, both involve an anesthetic. You may be placed under a local anesthetic, where you will not feel any pain, but you will experience the pressure of the operation. You will be fully awake and conscious under a local anesthetic. This is usually used for simple extractions. Most surgical extractions require sedation or general anesthetic, where you will be semi or fully unconscious during the procedure.

After an anesthetic is applied, the extraction of the tooth begins. During a simple extraction, your tooth will often be loosened and pulled out in one piece. However, in a more involved surgical extraction, we will have to cut the gum to expose the underlying bone. We will cut a portion of the bone to give us access to the root of your tooth. We will then cut the tooth in pieces and extract each piece from the mouth. Afterward, the wound is cleaned of any debris and sutured closed to promote healing. Gauze is placed over the wound to help control bleeding and form a blood clot.

Either before or after the surgery, we will give you aftercare instructions. You will have to avoid certain foods and change the gauze occasionally. You will also be prescribed a painkiller and a possible antibiotic to prevent infection.

If you are considering a tooth extraction, it is best to come in for an exam first. Our experienced staff at Lanier Valley Dentistry is here to help. Contact us today at (678) 802-8654 to schedule an exam.


3635 Braselton Hwy, Suite C
Dacula, GA 30019-5932



Mon 8-2 by appt only
Tues - Thurs 9-5
Fri 8-2

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Dental Tooth Extraction Dacula, GA • Lanier Valley Dentistry
If you feel you may need a dental tooth extraction, our staff at Lanier Valley Dentistry can provide you with the assistance you desire. Give us a call today!
Lanier Valley Dentistry - Dr Colin Lentz, 3635 Braselton Hwy, Suite C, Dacula, GA 30019 ~ (678) 802-8654 ~ ~ 5/3/2024 ~ Related Phrases: dentist Dacula GA ~